Monday, August 10, 2009

Our Big Debut

We did it!! We went to our very first Farmers Market to sell our fun purses. This morning we went to the Provo Farmers Market and it was a lot of fun, can you tell?

We were just a little proud of our handy work. Come on! These are our "babies" :)

These are the first of our purses to sell:

SCRABBLE purse (including letter pieces for names or words of the buyer's choosing), CANDY LAND purse, THE SPICE OF LIFE purse, READER'S DIGEST purse:

All in all, we had a pretty great day! And now PURSEonality Plus is out in the world. YAY!


Amberly said...

Hi Aunt Nancy! Hi Lacey! I followed the link from your blog Lacey, and I LOVE the purses! I totally want to order one from you. The problem is, I don't know which one! I really liked that Spice of Life bag, but it sounds like that one's gone. Have you got anything in the works that you think I would really love? Can't wait to see what you make next.

Get well soon Aunt Nancy!
Love, Amberly

BowDacious Bows said...

Hi Nancy,

My name is Emily Page and I am writing you because after seeing your fun and unique items on your website I just had to contact you about the exciting and unique boutique I'm responsible for hosting called 'The Provo Posh & Chic Boutique Expo' at the Provo Marriott Hotel and Conference Center this Black Friday, November 27, 2009.

This boutique will be an excellent way to market your business and products to the general public, and what better day do this than on THE shopping day of the year?! Vendors that will be participating in this event are by invitation only, and upon reviewing your business and products, I feel that you could be a great contributor to this event.

This event is very unique in the fact that it's a non-profit boutique, which means that ALL the funds received through the booth rentals and sponsorships will go towards covering the facility costs, and the remainder going towards marketing. As of now, we will be marketing this event with email, flier, banner, newspaper and transit advertising. We will do more if the budget allows.

After your booth rental fee is paid, you don't have to give any more money to the show. Is it NOT centralized checkout, so all vendors are responsible for their own sales. Any money you make, you keep.

There is no fee for shoppers to enter the show. We don't want to turn away any potential buyers!!

The table, chair(s) and a tablecloth will be provided. Any other items you may need for your display, you will need to provide.

All booth rental fees are due on or before November 20th. You can pay via PayPal or personal check in the mail, whichever you choose.

The Marriott Hotel will let us in at 6:00 AM to start setting up on November 27, which is 2 hours before the doors open. We will have to work fast, but the Marriott should have the tables set up for us, so all we really will need to do it get our individual displays set up. The doors close at 5:00 PM that evening and the Marriott has asked that we be out by 7:00 that evening because they have a big tailgate party that they need to get ready for on the following day.

Another unique aspect of this event is that it's not your typical "boutique". Most people hear the word "boutique" and automatically think of arts and crafts and what not. Yes, there will be some of those types of vendors, but there is going to be such a wider variety than that. For example, I have a hairstylist, an amazing professional photographer, an insurance broker as well many other people from all different kinds of trades. The target demographic is very wide because there is going to be such a variety of products and services being offered. Since every vendor invited to the show has been handpicked by me, there will be little, to no, competition among vendors.

The ultimate goal is for this show to become such a smashing success that it will become an annual, if not-biannual, tradition and a well known way among local small business owners to promote their businesses and products to the general public.

Booth rental sizes are as follows:

6' x 3' table: $100.00
3' x 3' space: $50.00

The boutique will operate from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM that evening.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please fill out the attached registration form and send it back to me ASAP since reservations will be made on a first come first serve basis. You can even fill it out electronically and email it back to me if you prefer.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Emily Page
Event Coordinator
The Provo Posh & Chic Boutique Expo

Kristina Clemens said...

These are so amazing! How completely unique and fun! =)
Kristina J.